Elvis Fernandes



I’m passionate about

making games, websites,

apps & other software solutions


Wisdom is the Application of Knowledge – Elvis Fernandes

Fun Trivia about the Name Elvis

The Origin of the Name

I am Elvis Fernandes  /ˈɛlvɪs feʁˈna.d͡ʒis/ a.k.a NotPresleyButElvis, take your pick! NotPresleyButElvis is something I coined when everyone used to associate the great Presley with my first name. Yeah, he is great, but not every Elvis is or can be Presley.

The name Elvis is pronounced El-viss, the origin of which is uncertain. Possible relations are to Alvíss, a dwarf in Norse mythology, whose name meant “All-wise”. The name Fernandes is a popular surname in the Portuguese-speaking areas (My ancestry is a mix of Goan and Mangalorean. Goa was once a province of Portugal). The Spanish version Fernández means ‘son of Fernando’. The Germanic name that it derives from (Frið-nanð) means “brave-traveler”. (source: Wikipedia). Well, my parents loved Elvis Presley and hence they named me Elvis, nothing to do with the affection for Wisdom, that happened later, when I started reading a lot of books.

Famous People named Elvis:

  • Elvis Presley
  • Elvis Costello
  • There are tons of Elvis’ in football, rugby and other sports
  • and many more impersonators in Las Vegas

The Elvis Operator:


x=f() ?: g()

This is the Elvis operator in programming languages, it is similar to the conditional ternary operator.

Who Am I

A seasoned Production Director with over 26 years of experience in the Gaming and Technology industries, adept at managing a diverse portfolio of projects with multiple vendors. Demonstrates strong leadership, technological proficiency, and strategic alignment, highly valued for delivering projects on time and within budget through problem-solving skills.

A Technology Expert, Game Industry Veteran, and Entrepreneur – I have worked with the gaming industry since its inception in India and have released 25+ games.

I’m a cinephile and love to give movie reviews so that others don’t miss out on a good part of life. I love watching Korean, Malayalam, and Studio Ghibli movies. My other hobbies include listening to music, binge-watching TV series on OTT platforms, board games, PC Games, and reading. And not forgetting the most important part, I’m a big fan of Allan Moore, Mad Max, Lord of the Rings and Masters of the Universe. and Hussain Zaidi’s works. Their works are a masterpiece!

My other interest is recycling! Yes, I put in the effort to recycle every single thing I use every day. This interest of mine led me to the launch of an app called Recycled Earth. Urban India generates 62 million tonnes of waste annually almost, out of which 31 million are dumped in landfills and just 11.9 million are treated. In order to fight this man-made evil, based in Mumbai, the Recycled Earth app encourages people to segregate all kinds of waste and aims to simplify the recycling process. The creation of this app is one of my biggest feelings of pride. More than 50,000 families are part of this online community to help fight the garbage problem in the city. In order to be a part of this cause head to recycledearth.org. You and I can make a change if we recycle at least one item a day.

I hold onto a belief in my life which is, ‘nothing is impossible.’ All you need is a leap of faith and trust in yourself. I take pride in my work and in what I am.

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